Truck driver recruitment campaign – marketing agency using Facebook Ads

How We USED FACEBOOK ADS in a truck driver recruitment campaign and achieved a less than EUR 600 cost / driver recruited?


The trucking company is transporting goods all over Europe and demand is high for its services. However the demand is also high for truck drivers all across Europe as all trucking companies face workforce shortage. This phenomennon reached a point where one of the biggest regional companies started to employ 80 drivers from India (source).  In this economy the company had 10 trucks which were not utilized and needed to put in use.


1. Researched the situation, found out what are the unique selling points, what motivates drivers besides salary. Completed a full scale competitor, market and keyword research.
2. Created a funnel and the steps in it, in which we should target the drivers with different communication messages.
3. Implemented a lead management system through which the client can evaluate and follow up prospects.
4. Established the target groups which we prospect the leads.
5. Organized a photoshooting at the Client’s HQ.
6. Completed all creatives in line with the client’s communication goals, including texts and images
7. Launched the Instagram / Facebook campaign, monitored and optimized the cost / lead continously
8. The leads were continously received by the Client where the next steps of the recruitment process began with email and phone followups, interviews and tests.



The number of leads were over a hundred in a few months and the total cost per recruited driver was below EUR 600. Previously all other systematic recruitment methods used by the Client yielded much worse results, making this method the only scalable, measurable way they are willing to use in the future.


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