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SEO services in Budapest

Increase the traffic of your website by optimizing it for the most popular search engine in the world: Google. Search engine optimization is an effective method to increase the number of the conversions by getting more organic traffic to your website. Leave your website optimization to a professional SEO agency in Budapest and enjoy the results!

SEO agency services Budapest Hungary

Why every business needs SEO services

The main goal of the search engine optimization of a website is to get a higher rank from Google, which means your website will appear in front of more enquiring customers, which in turn generates more traffic to your site, ensuring a good number of conversions.

There are several ranking factors that you can develop for a better Google ranking. The internal link structure and the referral links, the relevancy and the quality of the content, the responsivity and the UI/UX design of the site, the average loading speed, and we could go on for quite a while with this list.

Not to mention that SEO is here to stay: it’s certainly not going anywhere. It will continue to evolve, and optimized content, technical aspects, and quality backlinks will only become more relevant.

These factors are constantly being changed by Google, but don’t worry: our SEO Company in Hungary is always up to date on the latest SEO trends.


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The benefits you can expect by working with our SEO agency

The importance and advantages of search engine optimization can never be stressed enough. In modern online marketing, it is no exaggeration to say that it can be the key to the long-term survival and success of your business. It’s not a cost: it’s an investment.

Our SEO company in Budapest is ready to show you just how beneficial our services can be:

1. Increase your visibility – be seen!

More visibility means attracting more traffic to your website, and a higher website-traffic can much more easily convert into more customers.

By making sure you get more online visibility, and a smaller bounce rate, our SEO agency will also help you in getting more brand recognition. Branding is often considered to be one of the most complex marketing activities, but we’ll show you just how much SEO can speed things up!

 2. Build your brand – be the most credible choice!

More people visiting your website means they will become more familiar with your business, more likely to buy from you, and more likely to tell their friends and family members about your business. 

Thanks to a higher Google ranking, you are much more likely to earn more “mind share”, as well as more credibility. People care about appearances: if they find you among the top search results, they will trust your business much more!

SEO company services Budapest Hungary

3. Higher ROI – this is how you attract high quality leads!

If you read our take on Google Ads and social media, it’s true that they can deliver an almost instant ROI, but when it comes to the quality of your leads and long-term returns, our company will show you that nothing comes close to SEO.

So why are we so sure that SEO is the “organic magic” you need? Just think about it: when someone goes online with the intent to buy a product or pay for a service, they will most probably search for it on Google. The majority will skip right through the paid ads and look for organic results, since those aren’t paid for: they are earned based on merit.

Our SEO agency will make it easier for these quality leads to find your services: they won’t need much convincing since they are already ready to part with their money and are looking to buy what you are selling. Thanks to your high Google ranking, they will trust your business, and buy from you instead of the competition.

That’s how Dog and Pony will generate more high quality traffic to your site!

4. Boost the efficiency of other marketing activities

Time to share some more good news: while SEO is already highly effective on its own, it can boost practically any marketing activities you have alongside it. Retargeting campaigns, Google Ads, offline conversions…you name it!

Our SEO company will show just how multi-functional the advantages of search engine optimization can be. Ready to get to work? Because we certainly are!

A sneak peak to our SEO services in Budapest

We are ready to research the most important keywords in your industry, and create relevant content for your business, in order to get your website a better ranking for the most relevant searches!

SEO services Budapest Hungary

Here are just a few examples among the many services our SEO company will provide for you:

• Our copywriters will create the most optimal content for each page of your site, which will include the most relevant keywords based on the search intents of your target audience.

• Link building is also a necessary part of search engine optimization. Our marketing agency will find relevant, highly ranked pages for your link building, which will ensure that your company gets a higher rank in Google searches.

• Since the website itself is also a very important part of SEO, our web developers will implement all the changes that your website needs in order to get a better position in Google’s search engine.

Ready for your customers to find you in their organic searches? Our SEO company in Hungary just can’t wait to provide you with a better Google ranking!


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Typical questions related to our services


None of them is “better” than the other, as there is no all-around, perfect, works for everyone solution in modern online marketing. They both have their own benefits, with the main difference being that PPC campaigns are faster but mostly work short-term, while good SEO is slower to develop, but works for the long-term success of your company. And of course, you can always combine the two!


A good SEO company should have enough years of experience to be familiar with the most common needs and issues of other businesses, should understand all three levels of SEO, and have extensive background in digital marketing. Make sure to check out the agency’s website before you make your decision, and see what kind of services they provide, and what industries they are familiar with!


Although it does take some time to build up your company’s SEO, having better organic search results is worth it for big and small businesses alike. You can not only increase your visibility, but build better trust with your consumers compared to pay ads, and if you invest enough time and effort, the competition won’t be able to catch up to you just by paying more.


Hiring an SEO agency isn’t just cheaper than hiring an in-house expert who will require a full-time salary, benefits, etc. It will most probably bring a much better return on your investment, since your company’s SEO efforts will be in the hands of a team who has had extensive experience in boosting a company’s ranking in Google’s search results, allowing you to focus on the other areas of your business.

Other Digital marketing services

Your online success is our top concern!

Consulting and strategy

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Google Ads

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Link building

Content marketing


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Dog and Pony marketing agency

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Dog and Pony marketing agency

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