Event marketing: 2000+ visitor, 100+ positive feedbacks

How We Organised An Event For 2000 People With Gluten Intolerance


Organising an event for gluten intolerant people in order to make them more familiar about the products of the company (leading gluten free groceries manufacturer in Europe) and generate higher brand awareness and a stronger brand involvement for the users.


1. Organising an attractive event with the following programs: cooking workshops, free tastings, shopping discounts, dietetic advice and consultancy, cooking show with the popular shef: Bernáth József.

2. Create an effective promotion for the event: Using Facebook advertising, we targeted the followers of the brand’s Facebook page and people who are interested in gluten free products. We also sent an invitation email to the subscribers and promoted it within other Facebook groups. Registration was required to enter, and every registered visitor got free gluten free hamburger and pizza at the event.


The event became very popular among the gluten intolerant people and their families.

Around 2000 people attended the event. There were more than 100 positive feedbacks from the visitors sent in personal messages and several hundred comments on the brand’s Facebook event page.

We also reached media coverage, several media stations reported live from the scene.


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