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answer your challenge!
If you’re looking to launch a billboard campaign in Hungary, but you’re not sure how to go about it, then you are just at the right place: our OOH agency is ready to show you just how much creative potential there is in ambient and outdoor advertising!
Why outdoor billboard advertising is still effective and important for your business today
Even in this day and age where digital marketing is king, outdoor billboard advertising still has its place in Budapest and every other city in the world. One of the main reason behind is that even with all its limitless potential supplied by modern technology, even online advertising has its disadvantages.

In the immense jungle that the digital landscape has become, every bit of information is relayed via screens, whether it’s good old TV commercials, streaming video ads on a social media platform, pop-ups, animated banners, and so on. Which is to say that the average consumer is almost certain to have at least somewhat tired eyes nowadays.
Too much screen time, too much constant advertising, and too many available options have dulled the receptivity of most people towards ads.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that all is lost and there is no way to effectively reach your target audience anymore. With the right marketing agency, you can still find ways to cut through the noise. Just like with a good billboard campaign in Hungary.
What are the benefits of leaving your billboard campaign to an OOH agency in Budapest?
Here are just some of the benefits you can expect from Dog and Pony’s billboard advertising in Hungary:
1. Finally, a truly “unskippable” ad
Like we’ve said, since a lot of people have had it with digital saturation, as soon as an ad pops up, they either immediately close the tab or impatiently click on the skip button. Naturally, the same scenario cannot happen with billboard advertising, which means you will be guaranteed to have an audience.
Whether it’s about being stuck in traffic, waiting for public transport, or just taking a walk in the city, billboards are quite simply unavoidable.

2. Creative design heaven
One of the main reasons our OOH agency loves handling billboard campaigns, is that this is definitely one of those areas in marketing where creativity can really shine. Outdoor advertising offers seemingly limitless options to present your message in an innovative way: the more creative your ad is, the more people will remember it!
At Dog and Pony, we will definitely be focusing on creative billboard designs that can win your target audience over!
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3. Easier to take in
Billboards are much less “in your face” than online ads which require action from the customer to be skipped, and they are also much easier to take in, since they require no device whatsoever to be looked at. A single glance, and that’s all it takes for your billboard to reach your audience.
Not to mention that since they require so little effort from consumers, people are much more open to at least taking a quick look at the billboard in front of them.
4. Target everyone!
Thanks to their sometimes truly gigantic size, billboards are a great way for your message to be exposed to different kind of audiences. Your brand will appear in front of people of all ages and gender. So if you want to reach a big and diversified market, you’ll be able to do exactly that with Dog and Pony’s billboard campaigns in Hungary.
Even if it doesn’t all translate into increased sales, it is also a great way to build up the name and image of your company!

5. Drawing them in with visual appeal
The huge size of billboards also means that even compared to promotional videos, they can be very eye-catching if they are designed just right. What it lacks in movement and mobility, it clearly makes up for with size and impact.
You can count on us creating attractive billboards that people will hardly be able to ignore!
6. Wonders for your brand exposure
Another key advantage of billboard marketing, is that there is no other “noise” that can limit the effectiveness of your message: you and you alone get an ad space for a set amount of time, without other media butting in. This is a very powerful marketing tool.
If you’re looking for a great way to enhance your brand awareness and exposure, you’ve just found it!
A sneak peak into our OOH agency’s billboard campaign services in Hungary
As a professional digital out-of-home marketing agency in Budapest, there are many ways in which you can rely on us to create the most suitable billboard campaign in Hungary for your business.
Our services include:
• Planning and providing the creative design of your billboard(s)
• Incorporating ambient and digital elements to improve your message’s impact
• Handling print in case you choose to go for the classic billboard look
• Choosing the most suitable location(s), to ensure the greatest reach possible
Whether you already have an idea for what you want on your billboard or not is no problem at all for Dog and Pony. Contact our OOH agency in Budapest, and let’s get started right away on your billboard campaign in Hungary!
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Typical questions related to our services
A lot of businesses use billboard advertising companies as middle-men to help them find good deals and provide them with an eye-catching design. An agency that deals with outdoor advertising can assist your business through all steps of the process, including the planning and creation of your billboard’s design, as well as helping you find ad placements in the busiest parts of the city.
Even in the digital age, billboards still remain a popular and effective outdoor advertising method. Due to the overabundance of online ads, a lot of people automatically skip most forms digital push advertising. Billboards are different: they cannot be avoided by your audience. Their large size also helps in catching the attention of anyone walking by or stuck in traffic, making for a very large exposure potential.
There are a number of factors that affect a billboard’s cost, and naturally, prices can largely vary among different countries. Aspects that influence the price of a billboard include the size of the billboard, its location on the highway or in the city, the amount of time you need the ad space for. Of course, you would also need to factor the amount of work it takes to actually design and create what appears on your billboard.
In a nutshell, a billboard refers to a large outdoor advertising space that aims at catching the attention of pedestrians and drivers alike. Their large size makes it hard no to notice them and to at least take a glance at them, making billboards one of the most popular form of OOH (out of home) media. They can be found next to most highways and of course, within a lot of cities as well. In order to maximize their exposure and creative potential, a lot of businesses turn to billboard advertising companies for help.
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